Usage CC0 1.0 Universal Topics Iqbal, Rumi, Ghazali, Islam, Urdu Poetry, Urdu, Urdu Audio, Urdu Audio Book, Sufism, Item Size 926.5M
URDU AUDIO BOOK of "Kulliyat-e-Iqbal" (A Complete Collection of Iqbal's Poetry [in Urdu language]). Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (died in 1937 in present day Pakistan), popularly known as Allama Iqbal or Iqbal, is considered to be the "Poet of the East". Imbued with immense poetic talent in Urdu as well as Persian languages along with a buring desire to deliver the message of the reality, the true potential, the real purpose and place of a human being, delivered a gem of Urdu poety to the world. This book "Kulliyat-e-Iqbal" (A Complete Collection of Iqbal's Poetry [in Urdu]) is being presented here in the form of audio book in Urdu language. Iqbal's poetry flows beautifully with tremendous ease while displaying deep wisdom in delivering the message of the reality, the true potential, and the real purpose and place of a human being. Iqbal was deeply moved by the works and the spirituality of some great Muslim saints and towering personalities such as Imam Ghazali ( - several books of Imam Ghazali are available in Urdu audio books on this site if searched on "Imam Ghazali"), Maulana Jalauddin Rumi, Fareed ud Deen Attar, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani ( and others. In fact, Iqbal was so much inspired by Rumi's poetry that he mentioned him many times in many places in his poetry and the strong resonance of Rumi's poetry in terms of the content and the message of Rumi's poetry is evident in Iqbal's poetry (Rumi's poetry in Urdu and English translations can be found at these links: , ,; Maulana Rumi's poetic masterpiece Mathnavi's Urdu translation in Urdu audio book can be found on these links: , , ). The difference being that since Rumi's poetry is in Persian, Iqbal presented Rumi's message in Urdu using his own immense poetic talent. It's the message of human soul's eternality that resonates with all human beings, first poetically propounded by Rumi many centuries ago in Persian (besides other great poets that were similarly imbued with the apex of spiritual wisdom such as Ibn Ataillah al-Iskandari, Fareed ud Deen Attar and Shaykh Saadi Shirazi [ , , ]) and later by Iqbal in more recent times in Urdu.
Addeddate 2013-01-09 18:44:22 Identifier Kulliyat-e-iqbalUrduOrCompleteCollectionOfIqbalsPoetryByAllamaIqbal
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